Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Review of The Secret

SPOILER ALERT: The Secret itself is revealed in this review.

The people we think of as history’s “greats”, geniuses in science, business, academia, the arts, and public service, people like Plato, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Winston Churchill, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, Ralph Waldo Emerson, those icons who bring us inspiration and aspiration – all achieved what they did through the deliberate practice of the same Secret knowledge.

Some of them had the same words for it, some used an entirely different vocabulary, but the awareness, the Secret they understood and applied about the way the Universe and everything in it works, was the same. One Secret, practiced to extraordinary effect for centuries, and now available to you in the movie: The Secret.

In The Secret this singular concept, this seeming-magic formula that led to the immortalization of so many of its practitioners, is explained by articulate authorities in a diversity of disciplines – theology, medicine, philosophy, business, quantum physics, and more. Set to inspiring music and a collage of engrossing images, the Secret to living the life you’ve always dreamed of is laid out for you in a clear, concise, and – most importantly – practical manner.

If you’ve found this review and you don’t know The Secret already, it’s time you were filled in. The Secret is the Law of Attraction: like attracts like, what you think about you manifest, thoughts create things, your thoughts create your reality.

After The Secret is thorough illustrated to where you can at least understand the concept, if not yet quite believe it, it is then explained how to apply the Secret, the Law of Attraction, to improving your life, in all areas: money, health, relationships with others, your relationship with yourself, and the larger world.

You will learn to eliminate what you don’t want from your life by concentrating on what it is you do want. You will learn to harness gratitude and other positive emotions to attract more into your life to feel good about. And you will learn simple, repeatable processes for using the Law of Attraction with increasing effectiveness, rapidity, and ease, including the fundamental process of the Law of Attraction:
1. Ask for what you want;
2. Believe that you have it already;
3. Receive it into your life by feeling the feelings of having it now.

The lush imagery throughout the film is a dreamscape that opens the mind to possibility like a kaleidoscope open the eyes to wonder. One of the most compelling, convincing, and inspiring aspects of the movie, however, is in the real-life personal experiences from the very same “teachers” conveying The Secret, stories of triumph over adversity and transformation in the face of overwhelming resistance.

If ever there was a Secret to enlightenment, this is it; and this movie lays The Secret bare for anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear it, and – most vitally – an open mind.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Science Behind the Law of Attraction

The lessons of the omnipotent and omnipresent Law of Attraction are deep spiritual lessons, reaching to the very soul and psyche of humanity, shedding unprecedented light on the consciousness underlying the universe and All That Is in it.

But Law of Attraction wouldn’t work at all if it didn’t also have a firm and inexorable footing in the physical. When we say that emotions and thoughts and desires are vibrations we are not speaking rhetorically or metaphorically.

The Law of Attraction is a science every bit as much as it a spiritual art. And the scientific roots of the Law of Attraction are in quantum physics.

The spiritual implications of quantum mechanics was made abundantly clear to the scientific, spiritual, and secular communities alike in Gary Zukav’s groundbreaking book “The Dancing Wu Li Master”. In it, he explains that the Chinese term for physics is Wu Li which translates literally to “patterns of organic energy”. He then goes on to illustrate how all that we perceive as the physical world and all things in it, including us, are actually these ever-dancing patterns of energy.

Here is the scientific iteration of what ancient theological tomes like the Tao Te Ching and the Bhagavad Gita have been saying all along, that all matter is but the ever-shifting, ever-changing interrelationships between these nonphysical patterns of possibility. That nothing is “real” in terms of its solidity and permanence. That everything is immaterial and in constant motion.

Humanity’s gift of consciousness, then, imbues us with the means to engage in the flow of that dance with intention: to guide and direct those energetic relationships to create those possibilities most preferable to us.

Quantum physics even finds evidence of this inexorable effect of consciousness on the physical world in the theory that “consciousness causes collapse”, what’s been deemed “the spiritual interpretation”, for explaining the mysterious waveform collapse responsible for the evolution of quantum systems. It seemed the waveform collapse only occurred when being observed by a conscious energy (ie. a person).

Other theories and experiments have broached this same phenomenon from other angles, including the Schroedinger’s Cat experiment (that the condition of an isolated cat could not be determined without the observer’s interference affecting the outcome) and the Uncertainty Principle (that the act of observing a phenomenon changes it).

All these discoveries of quantum physicists validate that consciousness affects outcome, mind affects matter.

Quantum theory can give us the keys to travel through deep space and time, to teleportation and telekinesis, the manipulation of matter, and even to immortality itself. Are these “super powers” and “supernatural phenomena” not merely different terms for the same sorts of energies we awaken within ourselves when we awaken to our own inextricable relationship with the Source?

Is not the power to effect radical transformation on a physical level with our minds alone just another way of looking at the power to create our own realities through our connection to Spirit?

Quantum physicists like Stephen Hawking continue to strive in their effort to come up with a unified Theory of Everything (ToE), a concise and comprehensive model for explaining and understanding everything that ever was, is , and will be. Proving the validity of the Law of Attraction on the purely physical, scientific level is an exceptionally promising stride.